A Guide to Convincing Your Partner to Try Couples Counselling

Relationships, like a delicate flower, need care and attention to flourish. Sometimes, the best way to nourish love is through couples therapy. If you’re eager to start this journey but your partner is hesitant, we’re here to guide you on how to convincingly broach the subject. Remember, the goal is to strengthen your bond, not to impose.

The Importance of Couples Therapy

Before diving into the “how,” let’s briefly touch on the “why.” Couples therapy can be a valuable resource for addressing challenges and improving communication. It provides a safe, neutral space to work through issues, enhance intimacy, and deepen your connection.

The Conversation

  1. Choose the Right Moment: Find a time when you both feel relaxed and free from distractions. Avoid bringing it up during an argument or high-stress situation.
  2. Express Your Feelings: Start by sharing your own emotions. Use “I” statements to convey how you’re feeling. For example, “I’ve been feeling disconnected lately, and I believe couples therapy could help us reconnect.”
  3. Avoid Blame: Avoid laying blame or pointing fingers. This conversation is about understanding and healing, not about assigning fault.
  4. Emphasize Mutual Growth: Highlight the potential for personal and mutual growth through therapy. Couples therapy isn’t just for addressing problems; it’s also an opportunity to build a stronger relationship.
  5. Share Your Goals: Explain what you hope to achieve through therapy. Whether it’s improved communication, trust, or understanding, expressing your goals can show your partner your commitment to the relationship.
  6. Use “We” Language: Shift from “you” and “I” language to “we.” This reinforces the idea that you’re in this together. For example, say, “We could benefit from learning new ways to communicate.”

Listening and Being Patient

After you’ve presented the idea, be ready to listen and give your partner space to express their thoughts and feelings. They might have concerns or reservations, so validate their perspective. Acknowledge that their feelings and opinions are important.

Addressing Concerns

If your partner has reservations, address them with empathy:

  1. Cost: Discuss the potential benefits of therapy compared to the cost. Some health insurance plans may cover therapy.
  2. Stigma: Remind your partner that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It’s a proactive step to nurture your relationship.
  3. Time Commitment: Share your willingness to work together to find a time that suits both of your schedules.
  4. Therapist Choice: Offer your partner a say in choosing a therapist. Research therapists together to find one who resonates with both of you.
  5. Fear of Blame: Reiterate that therapy is not about blame but about growth and understanding.

Be Patient and Respectful

Remember, it may take time for your partner to come around to the idea of couples therapy. Be patient, respectful, and empathetic throughout this process. Keep the lines of communication open and continue to show your commitment to the relationship.

Professional Guidance

If your partner remains hesitant, consider seeking advice from a relationship counsellor or therapist individually to help navigate this situation. A therapist can provide strategies to encourage your partner to join you in couples therapy.

Ultimately, the decision to attend couples therapy should be a joint one. Keep the focus on the benefits of therapy and your desire to strengthen your relationship. With open communication and empathy, you can navigate this process together, nurturing your love and building a healthier, happier future.

If you are looking for a couple’s therapist, please don’t hesitate to reach out to OperineLanaRob or Courtney.